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Chairman’s Report 2023/24

It’s incredible to think that another year has passed since our last AGM. In that time we have held another round of successful events bringing players and supporters together and providing fund raising opportunities for various good causes.

The BRFPA Annual Dinner was held at the Seat Unique County Ground in March. We were honoured to have Marcus Stewart amongst our guests at this event with the raffle, in aid of the Darby Rimmer Foundation, raising in excess of £1,000. We were also able, in collaboration with the Supporters Club, to present caps to 11 former players on the night. These were well received and proves what a great initiative this is. We will continue to assist in this when we can.

Our Golf Day, held in June at the Kendleshire Golf Club as ever, saw the sun shine on us all day. Amongst the players attending were Harold Jarman, Bobby Gould and Tom Stanton all of whom have supported this Association from the beginning. Bristol City also entered a team and we reciprocated by taking part in their Golf Day a few weeks later. Our relationship with our friends from across the river remains strong. After the Golf was complete we held the usual raffle, again in aid of the Darby Rimmer Foundation, and we were able to donate a further £258 to them.

The Blue Diamond Club remained active during the year holding regular lunches at the County Ground, Eastwood Park and the Kendleshire. We were pleased to welcome Adam Tutton and Costa Chard from the Bristol Rovers Community Trust to the Kendleshire and a representative from the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity to Eastwood Park. Our guests were treated to entertaining and informative talks and again gave generously to these charities. Forthcoming lunches have been arranged for 8th October when our Guest Speaker will be Dawn Astle. Bobby Gould will be in attendance and we are hopeful that Dawn will agree to present Bobby with his cap. The Christmas lunch will again be held at the County Ground on 10th December.

It is no secret that our relationship with the football club sadly deteriorated under the Gorringe regime. I am pleased to report that Mo and I attended a very positive meeting with Abdullatif Al-Saeed at the end of last season and have seen changes already. For example, we have now resurrected our presence on their website and have agreement that they will promote and publicise any events that we hold. They have also agreed to host a Former Players Day on 28th September when we play Wycombe Wanderers. This is in the process of being organised as I type this. Admittedly it is not of the scale that I envisaged based on our discussions but at least it’s a step in the right direction. The football club wishes us to hold all of our events at the Mem but understand the lack of disabled facilities prevent this currently. We have been assured that the Stadium developments will address this.

Once again can I thank everyone for all of their hard work and contributions over the last year, not least of all Mo Bell who continues to hold everything together with her superb organisational skills as well as keeping me in check. Can I also give a special mention to Keith Brookman for providing photographs and reports of our events to his usual high standard and to Geoff Smith for standing in in his absence. Clive and Alan continue to provide clear and easy to understand accounts as evidenced by the figures that you will see presented this evening. Many thanks to you all.

Tony Mills Chair 27th August 2024

As always I need to thank my fellow committee members for all of their hard work during the past year, without whom their would have been no Golf Day or Dinner. The work carried our by Mo Bell and Simon Hedges is remarkable and truly appreciated as is the input of our treasurer Clive Farquhar who always produces impeccable and easy to understand accounts. Whilst he is not a committee member may I also mention in despatches Keith Brookman who continues to make a valued contribution as he always does to both our Association and the Supporters Club.

Talking of the Committee, we have rather fewer members that we did originally. If you are interested in joining us and taking some of the weight from our shoulders please express your interest to Mo Bell on

With very best wishes to you all.

Tony Mills