“A Football Club That Does Not
Respect Its Past Has No Future”
About the BRFPA
The Bristol Rovers Former Players Association (BRFPA) proudly provides recognition and support to former BRFC players and team staff.
In early 2017 Bristol Rovers Football Club helped kick start this new venture by encouraging a squad of volunteers to come together to form an official Association. We held our inaugural meeting at The Memorial Stadium in Bristol on 6th April 2017. A Committee was formed, a Constitution was adopted and a formal proposition to open a bank account was passed.
“A fabulous group of people who played for and supported our team should be remembered. The BRFPA is an organisation that provides such an opportunity…and of course provides a gateway so that they can continue to be part of the team!”
— Tony Mills, Chairman
The objectives of the BRFPA are:
To promote the history and heritage of Bristol Rovers Football Club and to foster the spirit of fellowship, sportsmanship and goodwill among former players and their supporters.
To promote a framework of opportunity through structure and deed which will allow ALL members to participate in and benefit from the activities of the Association.
To promote sporting and social activities for and on behalf of BRFPA.
To offer financial and other support to Full members in distress or hardship