Blue Diamond Club Christmas Lunch December 2022
Our Guest Speaker Helen Mackie
After a break of 2 years due to Covid the Blue Diamond Club were delighted to host a Christmas Lunch on 15th December. Held at the Pavilion, Gloucester County Cricket Club, it was attended by 87 people all of whom reported back that they thoroughly enjoyed the event.
Our guest speaker was Helen Mackie from the MND Association given the recent diagnosis received by our Former Player and Assistant Manager Marcus Stewart. We were hopeful that Marcus himself would be able to attend but his commitments with Yeovil Town sadly kept him away. Helen gave a very informative talk on the disease and took questions from the floor. A raffle was held with a very generous £660 being raised for which we are extremely grateful. This was matched by a donation from the Bristol Rovers Former Players Association such that both the MNDA and Darby Rimmer (a charity Marcus is now involved with) will benefit by the same amount.
Our Christmas lunches would not be the same without the carol singing. Many thanks once again to Roger Brinsford for leading the massed gathering through the now traditional 12 Days of Christmas. For me Christmas can now start in earnest!
Talking of Roger, he announced that he was stepping down as Chair and that he had handed the baton over to myself. I am pleased and honoured to take up this position. Roger will be a hard act to follow and we all wish him well. He is welcome back to see us at any time. Indeed, it was agreed that his attendance at the Christmas Lunch be compulsory.
I would like to thank Mo Bell for her amazing input into organising the lunch and to Alan Cavill for his work as treasurer. Thanks also go to Keith Brookman for taking the photos that you see in this article a selection of which can be found in the Gallery.
I look forward to seeing some of you at future lunches.
Article written by Tony Mills