Blue Diamond Club April Lunch

Eastwood Park

You don’t have to be retired or be a long standing (or should that be suffering?) Bristol Rovers supporter but, in all honesty, it does help when it comes to attending a Blue Diamond Lunch.

Tom Stanton with guests


Four times in each calendar year 50 or 60 of the club’s senior supporters and their partners, meet up for a leisurely lunch at a venue chosen by the Chairman and Secretary, who haven’t disappointed with their choices to date!


The venue on this occasion, St George’s Day, was Eastwood Park, a large country house set in 200 acres of South Gloucestershire countryside and with stunning views of the surrounding farmland and rolling hills stretching out towards the Cotswolds. 

The usual suspects were in attendance on this beautiful sunny day, though there was a chill in the air – enough to prevent everyone taking advantage of drinks on the terrace ahead of lunch.

Two former Rovers players, Peter Aitken and Tom Stanton were in attendance and were soon surrounded by supporters who had seen them play for the club in their prime.

Pete Aitken

 Some of those supporters could go back several years before either had donned the famous blue and white quarters though. 

Many of those present have been following the fortunes of Bristol’s oldest football club for 50 or 60 years and even more. One stalwart of these lunches has been attending matches for 75 years!

Stories of games, and players, past are told and retold, and comparisons with the teams of times gone by with the current squad are inevitable and it’s fair to say that this season’s performances have been viewed through critical eyes and not at all favourably! 

After pre drinks, it’s time for lunch and on this occasion we were served Chicken Supreme, fondant potato and tender steamed broccoli, followed by Vanilla panna cotta and biscotti and, naturally, coffee.

Our rather delicious lunch

 As well as being a regular gathering of like minded people, we always have a guest speaker and a raffle, the proceeds of which are usually donated to the speaker’s chosen charity. 

On this occasion we were treated to an interesting, and very informative, talk from Ursula Sullivan, or Sully as she prefers to be known, from the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity.

Our guest speaker Sully

 The raffle, for which there were no fewer than 14 prizes, raised a total of £450:00 and although a drop in the ocean when you think how much is needed to keep this wonderful charity afloat, it was a pleasure to be able to help out in our own small way. 

The event was over all too soon, but already plans are afoot for the Autumn and Christmas Dinners which might well take us to a venue not previously visited.

As for this particular dinner, thanks go to the very helpful and friendly staff at Eastwood Park, our aforementioned Chairman and Secretary Tony Mills and Mo Bell and all who joined us on this particular occasion.

Mo Bell - without whom this event would not have taken place

 If you would like to know more about forthcoming dinners, then please email Tony or Mo.


Jack Baldwin


Blue Diamond Club Spring Lunch